Saturday, November 20, 2010

Quad Tomahawk Kill in COD Black Ops

This is a wild video of a guy that gets a quad-kill in Call of Duty: Black Ops with the tomahawk weapon.  He throws the tomahawk in the air towards the other side of the map.  The tomahawk hits an RC car, which causes it to blow up.  The resulting explosion killed 4 players on the other team!  Talk about extreme luck.

For those of you who haven't checked out COD Black Ops, I highly recommend it.  I know, I know... Not everyone likes Call of Duty and that's alright, because plenty of people enjoy it.

The newest iteration in the COD series is a fine improvement over past versions of the game.  It stays true to the Call of Duty feel, but there are newer and refined gameplay elements that make the game more enjoyable.

The weapons and maps are very balanced.  The new weapon purchasing system is nice and the kill-streak perks are sweet as usual.  Overall, I give Call of Duty: Black Ops a 8.5 / 10.  There are a few things that bother me, but no game is perfect.

What do you all think of COD Black ops?


  1. CoD2 is still my favorite!
    Infinity Ward>>Treyarch
    Killing Nazis>>anything

  2. MW2 is better than black ops imo!

  3. Holy crap, that was epic. I need to pick up a copy still. And an XBox.

  4. My friend has it and loves it. I still haven't gotten back on to those kinda games since I got my ass whooped in SOCOM.

  5. I still think COD4 was the best in the series.

  6. i havent played black ops yet. but this kill is epic.

  7. They let you play as Spetsnaz? I did not know that.

  8. Is this game even good? I have heard so many mixed reviews :|

  9. I've had a good time playing it. If you were a fan of the previous COD games, then you'll probably like this one.

  10. holy fuck..following..2 words WAGE WAR. fantastic.
