Sunday, November 21, 2010

Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes Are Released Into The Wild

 Check out this article from  They have successfully released genetically modified mosquitoes onto an island.  The mosquitoes they released have lowered the populations by as much as 80%.  They say it's safe, since the mosquitoes they release are sterile and can't reproduce.

"An Oxford-based research firm has announced the results of a release of genetically modified male mosquitoes in the Cayman Islands, the first experiment with GM mosquitoes to take place in the wild.
From May to October of this year, Oxitec released male mosquitoes three times a week in a 40-acre area. The mosquitoes had been genetically modified to be sterile, so that when they mated with the indigenous female mosquitoes there would be no offspring, and the population would shrink.

Mosquito numbers in the region had dropped 80 percent by August, which the researchers expect would result in fewer dengue cases."

Check out the original article on


  1. unintended consequences! sounds great in theory, but what is the eventual outcome? Toying with nature has never produced a good real world result that I'm aware of, feel free to correct me on that opinion. It only takes one mutation, then the whole experiment flies to shit, and the next generation adapts and flourishes.

  2. I was kind of thinking the same thing, but the mosquitoes they release are sterile, so they can't reproduce, so they can't pass on their modified genes. They say its safe, but I'm still a skeptic.

  3. That's weird. Do the genetically engineered ones kill the regular ones?

  4. great mother earth I hope it will be ok............

  5. sterile? that's what they said about the dinosaurs too.

  6. Wuahahaha I have ALWAYS DREAMED OF THIS MOMENT!! Genetically modified mosquitoes that are ticking time-bombs!

  7. Using mosquitoes to curb the mosquito population? I would have never thought of it!

  8. It's great they managed to engineer the mosquitos but i'm wondering about the long term consequences of playing with nature like that

  9. :/ Tampering with nature worries me so....

  10. They shouldn't mess with nature! Humans are already making a big mess out of things XD

  11. Something bad will only come of it. Nature will throw us a curve.

  12. Stuff like this worries me since changing an ecosystem that much could be dangerous. I understand why they did it though, mosquitoes are flying death unless you live in a developed country.

  13. epic mosquito reducing research is epic :D

    srsly... i fukin hate mosquitos

  14. great post! i like it!
    supportin& following!

  15. I'm glad they can't reproduce. mosquitoes fucking suck

  16. They need to wipe out all those damn things

  17. Mosquitos ALWAYS BITE ME in my butt! :| But they taste nice.

  18. genticaly enhanced mosquitos that were geneticaly sterelized...

    i cant see how this could possibly go wrong...

    oh shit... were all fucked

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